Eduko News on No#1 Daily

Episode 3: Far From Home

September 22, 2022

Episode 3: Far From Home

By Qazi Tushar

How long have you been an international student? What are you plans now? Will you
graduate soon or do you still have 2-3 years to go. Most importantly, how are you
adjusting to your new current life abroad?

The first year of any education abroad seems to be a goliath maze. Classes, part-time
jobs, new social circles, calls from back home and other life essential chores like
laundry and paying the electricity bills all adds up pretty quick and makes you a mouse
on a wheel. Keep doing it, don’t think much and please never miss home much.

The second-year eases you into this new paradigm, when even a metro bus ride to your
university is met with foreign friendly faces that know you, life starts getting easier and
so does your conception of living in a foreign country. Studying abroad is surely a
daunting task for many and yet there is no proper counselling service for the
international students. By far, adjusting to a new life and simultaneously taking on the
heavy weights of education itself may be at times too much on the plate for many. Yet
there is no community or similar AA group associated to help ease the transition of
international students let alone aid in finding resources to make life easier.

It is the university student communities that will help ease this journey of yours “far from
home”, so never deprioritize it. Social clubs like debating, toastmaster are all great
avenues to meet smart people from across the world and build valuable life-long
connections. Sports clubs like football, table tennis, basketball or baseball are all
fantastic teams to show your mettle as an athlete, if you possess it that is. If not, never
fret, university/college newspaper or PR team are good points to drop your CV.

Be in something worthwhile beside studies. It should not be only part-time jobs, enjoy
the diversity of so many races, see how far you can climb up the tree. People always
love individuals who have multi-talents, and what better place to showcase your hidden
powers then in a world stage. Remember, with great power comes greater
responsibilities. Being in community services like churches, volunteer work as
Salvationists opens new connections, where you get to meet the locals and form
meaningful bonds.

Being far from home is always difficult, taking up new challenges can sometimes feel
overwhelming, but be rest assured there are silver linings to these hurdles, a lesson that
will help you grow as a human being. I leave my readers, with a bit of lyrics that I fondly
grew up listening to, “Life is a lesson, you only learn it when your through”. So keep that
drum rolling and best of luck.

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