Eduko News on No#1 Daily

Episode 1: Multiverse of education options for everyone

September 12, 2022

Episode 1: Multiverse of education options for everyone

By Qazi Tushar

Consider the current year, after all the economic recessions, the sanctions, the pandemic, the borders
closures, the vaccines, after all that, we are here, in 2022, alive, getting out feet wet again in the glorious
sphere of having a new shot at life.

Studying abroad is all that, a new shot at life, an inclusion of everything you wanted to do and
everything you ever achieved, some travel a thousand miles just to learn anew, most want to leave their
old paradigm in search of a fresh start. “I want to settle there, once I finish my education” is the call of
this generation. A call that is being well answered by some fantastic institutions from across the world.
You have scholarships that are only available for the international students, now tuition bursaries are
significantly waived for the meritorious ones, you have a league of new programs being offered in the
most amazing areas of research, think about AI or biotechnology for a change, how are they going to
shape our world by the next decade? Bangladeshi kids who used to think themselves part of a recent
Weebo cult now decided to study aeronautical engineering for a change. They are brilliant no doubt,
and they are constantly and easily reaching newer heights in their chosen path setting themselves up for
careers with big giants like Google, IBM, Testla, Boston Consulting Group or even NASA. As if anything
and everything is now possible. Here we are in 2022, after all the drama and all the mistakes, students,
children of our country wanting to start a new.

Is it wrong to do so? To think your talent, your aspirations, or your hard work is more valued elsewhere?
You would probably never want to leave behind your life here but you equally want to test your own
abilities and how far you can go. Is it wrong to find out? In this gigantic multiverse of opportunities, that
everything you think is enough is nearly not so, and there is much that could happen to you. So much
more you could do for yourself. Statistics shows, nearly 50,000 students from Bangladesh are travelling
abroad to study every year. 50,000! Yes, and even in the midst of the thickest pandemic, more 100K
students registered, paid their fees and got admission online with universities across Australia to New
Zealand, Canada to USA, China to Europe. They all got admitted and continued online with the hopes
that once things come back to normal, they would get preference in visa in their respective destination
of study. In 2021 and 2022 alone, the visa issuance rate of North America and also Europe in general
shot up sky high, perhaps to compensate for the years lost in the middle or perhaps returning the good
faith shown by the students by the immigration authorities for investing in their education industry at a
time most needed.

Good news is 2022 and 2023 will be the years of all on-ground classes, no more online classes and
definitely no more hybrid models that lecturers and faculties of universities so fondly moderated over
these past 2 or 3 years. Let me leave my readers with a decision, when are you joining the wagon of
multiverse opportunities, when will you for a certain feel that perhaps you are missing out a few
valuable years of life betterment, it may come in the form of a world-class education degree or a scope
to research your aces. Whatever may the purpose be, let’s all pray things go uphill from here and our
students keep shinning across the world, announcing our presence in the world.

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