Eduko News on No#1 Daily

The Infinite Loop of Education

July 3, 2023

The Infinite Loop of Education

By Qazi Tushar

Since childhood, we all hear that once we are done with our HSC or A-Levels equivalent with a good grade, everything else will just falls into place. Then, reality hits, and you are rushed to quickly get admitted in a university preferably public funded or perhaps how about getting a study abroad in your dream subject at a world-ranked university? become an international citizen, make the world your oyster. Did you just realize something? your life has just begun. Perhaps, you might think again, once you get through your Bachelors, basically you are saying goodbye to your academic life and welcome in a work life. Right? Wrong.


The Infinite loop of Education is something that stays with you for the rest of your life, comes in different forms and skill shapes, but never seizes, as if it does, so would you. This is what keeps your brain cells alive and makes sure you remain worthy for today’s world. So, keep learning, whatever and whenever you can and keep aspiring for more, every day.


Did you ever think that reading a book could make you escape reality sometimes? Or perhaps a book is a signature of millions of energy waves directly from the author’s mind? Let me elaborate more. An author writing a book is sharing his/her knowledge of this world that he or she have gained by spending numerous hours in honing the knowledge, while writing he is giving it away to you for free and that’s actually not all, an author is also putting in his/her energy in bringing all the thoughts and experiences and imaginations to entice yours. That itself is a experience we should be able to cherish. Education does not only mean getting yourself a degree, educating yourself could be as simple as a book for the dummies. Something you never tried before. A world, that induces you with its magic of words, and the play of an author’s mind. Let’s you escape but once you are ready to be found back, you arrive a little bit more know-ledged.

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