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Eduko Australia Virtual Education Summit, 28 September 2022 from 11 AM to 1 PM

September 27, 2022

Eduko Australia Virtual Education Summit, 28 September 2022 from 11 AM to 1 PM

An online education fair for Bangladeshi students interested solely to study in Australia will be held over the zoom platform on 28th September 2022 from 11 AM to 1 PM Bangladesh time. Students interested in Diploma, Foundation, Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. can join in free and meet 17 top-ranked Australia-based universities directly over the zoom platform.

The event will be organised by Eduko Pathways Bangladesh where students and parents will be able to join in and directly speak to the Australian university representatives and discuss essential study abroad opportunities like program/course options, visa, travel and accommodation options, scholarships, educational expenses and cost of living, financing as well as medical insurance options.

The University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, La Trobe, Macquarie, RMIT, Deakin and other big guns in the Australian education industry will be participating during the 2-hour event and is expected to launch application for meritorious Bangladeshi students for both Undergraduate (4 years) and Post-graduate (2 years) programs on the event day itself.

With latest positive revisions of post-study work rights and other benefits for international students offered by the Australian government. Click on this link to sign up and Eduko Pathways team to reach you and get you registered for this year’s most important online education fair of Australian universities.

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